Quick Fix Synthetic Urine

Spectrum Labs is the manufacturer of Quick Fix, synthetic urine created for urinalysis purposes which can also be used in the testing of diapers. The Quick Fix 6.3 Plus is a perfect example of a product of theirs. The purpose of this product is to help employees who don’t want to lose their jobs due to a urine drug test. If you are using good synthetic or fake urine,  urinalysis machine will treat them as actual human pee. And it will certainly help an employee to pass a drug test, called by the manager.

It is an important product because the other methods of passing a drug test can be too complex or not as reliable as the Quick Fix 6.3. The manufacturers of the product have quipped that the customer can get a 100% refund if dissatisfied with the product.


Powdered Human Urine

  • Legal in all states!
  • Real human urine!
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The UrHeatingDevice

  • A reusable electronic device that holds and heats your urine sample to the body temperature!
  • + 3 Free Packs of Powdered Urine (real human urine)
See Deal →

Not only employees can benefit from using the product. Those who are about to attend a job interview, which is often followed by drugs or pass saliva test to check for weed and THC levels, too. Quick Fix 6.3 Plus synthetic urine will help you scale through test with ease, and without having to worry about a weed detox pill.

Also, the product contains sulfates, creatinine, ammonia, coloring, uric acid which makes it smell, look and behave like actual urine. This goes to show that you don’t have to worry about it being inadequate.

Furthermore, the “plus” in the name refers to the large urine quantity. The Quick Fix 6.3 plus contains 3 ounces of formula as compared to the standard size which only has 2 ounces.

How To Use Quick Fix

The Quick Fix 6.3 plus is designed in a way that’s easy to use. The product usually comes packaged in a kit which contains clear, already-mixed urine in a plastic bottle that has a cap. In addition, a heating pad and a temperature strip is included to make sure you don’t have to go searching for them separately elsewhere.

This heating is used in maintaining a consistent temperature for the synthetic urine, while the temperature strip is used in measuring the urine’s temperature during heating to avoid missing the optimum mark.

And as an extra feature, the kit had a list of concise instructions which, if followed accordingly, you can avoid any inconsistencies and trouble with using the product.

Quick Fix Instructions and Guidelines

  • Before heating the product, it is advisable to first remove the cap of the premixed Quick Fix Synthetic urine. This precaution should be taken to avoid an explosion.
  • Insert the Quick Fix Synthetic Urine in a microwave and heat for 10 seconds minimum. Then, before you put off the microwave or attempt to remove the bottle, do well to ensure that the temperature strip has a reading between 94°F–100°F, which is the optimum temperature to scale through a urinalysis without suspicion.
  • After it has been adequately heated, shake to mix the ingredients properly and to maintain a consistent temperature throughout the synthetic urine. Place the heated fake urine in the warmer which is designed to perform as a thermoflask. It can keep the synthetic urine at optimal temperature for up to 8 hours. This is convenient in case you’re made to wait at the hospital before your sample can make it to the lab for analysis or in case your boss asks to inspect the urine before giving it approval to be carried for testing.
  • Give the bottle a big shake to make sure all the ingredients mix together.
  • And, as a way to support the illusion, you can shake your preheated Quick Fix synthetic urine to create a cluster of bubbles, froth. This last bit can be neglected but it’s just a form of insurance to complete the deception.
  • Do not put the product in a fridge or freezer unless you can ascertain that doing so will not alter the composition of the Quick Fix synthetic urine. Freezing it to thaw later can alter the product in such a way that you won’t be able to pass a urinalysis.

Also, there is another way to make use of the synthetic urine in case you don’t have a microwave. Although slow and more time-consuming, this method can be readily employed when you have days before the drug test.

  • Remove the Quick Fix bottle from its pack.
  • Go through the e instructions on how to use the heating pad.
  • Use the rubber band you’ll find in the kit to strap the pad to the plastic bottle.
  • Insert the temperature strip on the bottle and then slip it in your pockets and allow your body to heat the urine slowly.
  • While in the toilet, follow the instructions above such as, shaking the bottle properly to form bubbles and storing it properly.

Ingredients and Composition

If you’re curious about if the Quick Fix synthetic urine is similar in composition to the real one, since it can be used in replacing actual urine in a test, then you’re about to find out that your worries are unfounded.

Quick Fix synthetic urine contains all the essential elements usually tested for in a drug test. For example, it contains perfect creatinine levels and has the specific gravity, urea and pH levels that can be found in real pee. Also, the viscosity is constant with that of real urine.

All these elements and chemicals contribute towards the product’s effectiveness. Furthermore, there are trace amounts of inorganic and organic salts that makes it the perfect substitute for the real stuff during a drug test.

The manufacturer, however, hasn’t compiled the ingredients in a comprehensive list. Still, a high-quality synthetic urine often contains three main elements: water, potassium chloride and sodium chloride, your common salt.

The Manufacturer, Support, and Certificates

Quick Fix Synthetic is a well-known company with varied items in its product catalog. Its nascent product, the Quick Fix synthetic urine 6.3 plus, doesn’t make you attempt the inconvenience of taking and hopefing to pass saliva test. It equips you with the right substance to guarantee you always pass a drug test every time with minimal effort applied. Their main opponents is Powdered Urine, also widely recognised good.

In the table below are the details of the manufacturer so you can contact them for support and any minor detail you may require in regards to their Quick Fix pee.

Address 513 VENTURES, LLC

8190 Beachmont Ave, Suite 312

Cincinnati, OH 45255

Phone 1-866-364-5738
Email [email protected]
Official website www.quickfixurine.com
Contact hours 9 AM-8 PM (Saturday and Sunday Closed)

As recommended by the manufacturer, the best choice is to purchase synthetic urine from their company’s online store and reap the many little benefits that come with that. Still not enough info? Read more: http://kanecountyconnects.com/wp-content/inc/?quick_fix_synthetic_urine_review.html

 Pros and Cons


  • The Quick Fix synthetic urine has a lot of positive online reviews. Try to read one Quick Fix review.
  • It is cheap, affordable and had discrete shipping and delivery options.
  • The synthetic urine is tested at Spectrum Labs for effective working.
  • The Quick Fix urine has an astonishing shelf life of two years.
  • The urine can be reheated when needed to deliver the sample a few days later.
  • The manufacturer guarantees a 99.9% success rate of passing the drug test and a complete refund if fails.
  • The Quick Fix synthetic urine is easy to use as compared to the countless detoxification pills and drinks out there.
  • Although synthetic, the fake piss has similar properties with real pee and passes the tests easily.
  • The product is packaged in a bottle that makes it safe to microwave as long as the cap is removed first to avoid an explosion.


  • Some users have reported negative results and not pass a urine drug test with Quick Fix fake pee.
  • The additional urination device is not budget-friendly.
  • The fake pee does not mimic the urine of people with kidney problems who have altered urines.

Powdered Human Urine

  • Legal in all states!
  • Real human urine!
See Deal →

The UrHeatingDevice

  • A reusable electronic device that holds and heats your urine sample to the body temperature!
  • + 3 Free Packs of Powdered Urine (real human urine)
See Deal →

What Additional Products Should You Buy With Quick Fix Synthetic Urine 6.3 Plus

One of the best things about the Quick Fix is: it comes packaged in a kit that contains all the important items which will be required for its performance by the user. However, the manufacturers also sell some accessories that might not only be useful to you but complementary to the other product.

A few include:

  1. Leg Strap
  2. Urine belt
  3. Quick Fix Synthetic plus bottle (2 and 3 ounces)
  4. Quick Fix Synthetic value packs
  5. Pros and Cons

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Concern about a product such as this have risen in the past before, so here a few common questions that have been asked by prior users before you:

Does Quick Fix really work?

Ans: Yes, there are thousands of people both online and offline who can testify that Quick Fix works, employees and job applicants who can vouch for its efficiency, who have used Quick Fix to pass drug test.

Does this synthetic urine contain creatine?

Ans: Yes, however, it contains the metabolized form of creatine, known as creatinine.

What is the expiry period of this product?

Ans: The recommended time frame to use The quick Fix Synthetic 6.3 plus is a year after production. After that, it will expire and no longer be a viable option.

Can I reheat this product?

Ans: Yes, you can reheat this synthetic urine as many times as needed but always ensure not to boil it. Stop heating once the temperature strip confirms you’ve got the optimum temperature.

How to increase the shelf life of this urine?

Ans: Make sure you keep this product away from direct sunlight if not it’s shelf life will plummet.

Can I mix any other ingredient in my Quick Fix 6.3 plus sample?

Ans: No, anything you add comprises the mixture and might not guarantee that you’ll pass the test. The original formula contains all the necessary elements and ingredients required to ace a urinalysis. Also, ensure not to mix synthetic urine samples together as you’ll tamper with the original composition

Is it any good to use Quick Fix for THC detox?

Ans: Yes, a THC test is a test performed to detect the presence of tetrahydrocannabinol, the chief psychoactive component in cannabis which of found in your normal urine sample can lead to unemployment.

Is Quick Fix Safe to Freeze?

Ans: Although it is advisable not to freeze the product, the chemical structure of Quick Fix 6.3 will not be compromised if it is frozen. This will remain true as long as it hasn’t passed its expiration date. When you want to thaw, allow it to come to room temperature without you putting it in a microwave or in direct sunlight to speed up the process. This can alter the composition of the product.

Is It Okay to Mix Two Samples Together?

Ans: Yes. It is okay to mix two samples of the synthetic urine as long as neither of them has expired, the product will remain the same as different bottles have the same composition. You don’t have to fear mixing them even if you’re going for a test or just want to store the samples in a single container.

Make sure to mix the same version of the product: avoid mixing 6.3 with a 6.3. Not adhering to this will lead to inconsistencies and compromised results.

Where to buy Quick Fix?

Ans: the product can be bought at any online store like Amazon and any local corner store that sells detoxification drugs and the like. You can type “directions to stores that sell near me” and check online for a shop that sells Quick Fix.


Powdered Human Urine

  • Legal in all states!
  • Real human urine!
See Deal →

The UrHeatingDevice

  • A reusable electronic device that holds and heats your urine sample to the body temperature!
  • + 3 Free Packs of Powdered Urine (real human urine)
See Deal →

Why Use Quick Fix?

Ans: Quick Fix 6.3 is a relatively safer option when compared to detoxing kits, pills, and drinks. You don’t have to ingest anything potentially dangerous to your body. It is the best alternative to avoid being out of work for having marijuana in your system.

Quick Fix is one of the easiest and most accessible and reliable ways to pass an alcohol test. And without having to go through the hassle of offering a saliva swab which is difficult to falsify. This test could put your job in jeopardy or cause your chances of getting employed if, for example, cannabis is detected in the lab test sample.

What Makes Quick Fix 6.3 Different From Any Other Synthetic Pee?

Ans: Quick Fix is a relatively easy solution to what could otherwise be a complex problem. Also, it has been tested and proven by scientists over and over again. And to top it off, Spectrum Labs, the manufacturers of Quick Fix, make sure they update their product. It stays on par with the standards of testing labs, or even 2 steps ahead of the labs. Be sure, the labs also constantly looking for ways to thwart the efficiency of synthetic urine. As a final note, compared to other synthetic urine, Quick Fix Plus is very much ready-to-use. While other products require complex methods, Quick Fix requires a simple heating process with a microwave.

Quick Fix Reviews

Positive Reviews

  1. An ecstatic customer relays, in a long Reddit thread which I’ve cropped parts of, his successful experience with Quick Fix.

  1. Even with the time delay, after following all the instructions outline in the testing kit, his customer got the same positive results.

Negative Reviews

  1. After heating the sample to the optimal temperature for operation, this customer got a negative result. It might have been due to contamination by exposure to direct sunlight or improper storage methods. However, the result was negative.
  2. In this second failed case, the problem seemed to lie not with the product but with the tester in question.

How long does it last?

Ans: if you are asking about the shelf life of the product, it lasts between 1–2 years. But if you are asking about how long the product can stay warm, then it can last up to 8 hours. Yes, it can stay warm for that long.


You may want to compare this product to previous versions, to THC detox kits, fake urine kits, or detox pills. Quick Fix urine passes for being easy to use, reliable, and consistent. However, to achieve everything it has to offer, it is important to follow the instructions as they are laid down.

The newer version is not a result of uncertainty with the previous version, but a testament to the fact that the company listens to its customers and has used their input to improve the product for more efficiency, longevity and reliability amongst users. So you can keep acing the current urinalysis, the company is staying ahead of the testing protocol.

On the official website of Quick Fix, you can find everything you need to prepare and be ready for the test. From purchasing extra urine, to extra heating pads, they have got you covered. And if that is a deterrent, then you should know that they offer discounts for some of their products like their ongoing buy 3 and get 1 free for their Quick Fix synthetic urine 6 plus.

It goes without saying that if you’re considering using extra urination devices, then prepare yourself. It is advisable to get them weeks prior to the test to practice the mechanics of walking or peeing. The new Quick Fix Pro belt is designed to be comfortably used by both men & women. And the best when it comes to producing a sample from a tube. They are easy to don and move about in but pays to at least get familiar with the gear to ensure a smooth operation on the main day of testing.

The Quick Fix manufacturers, along with their other packages, also make sure that the shipping options are fast, safe, and discrete, so you do not have to worry about snooping neighbors and their curious children.

In summary, the Quick Fix 6.3 formula is a top-notch product. With such a high success rate, there is no other synthetic urine company on the market that can compete with Quick Fix. Your goal is to pass a urine test for an important job position? Or you are an employee seeking to maintain his position in a company? There’s no need to leave matters into the hands of fate when you can get the results you want by using Quick Fix. If you already have tried this product before, you may also like Powdered Urine or UrHeatingDevice.

Quick Fix Synthetic Urine
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